Conditions We Treat

Our practitioners are able to help patients get to the root cause of the symptoms they experience.

Conditions We Treat

Our goal is to provide alternative medical care that will reverse and prevent disease using the fundamental healing principles of the body. Call us today for more information and to begin your healing journey.

Understanding Your Symptoms

Let’s start by understanding what brought you here. Maybe you’ve been dealing with unexplained symptoms and unsuccessful treatments, or maybe you’re just ready to make healthy lifestyle changes to achieve a state of optimal health. Whatever it may be, we take the time to understand you, your goals and your symptoms in order to determine what needs healing first.

  • Biotoxin illness/ Mold illness

    Common Symptoms:

    Brain fog, Fatigue and lack of energy, Headaches, Mood swings, Anxiety, Tingling, Numbness, Dizziness, Shortness of breath, Wheezing, Nausea, Joint pain, Excessive sweating, Floaters in vision, Irregular heartbeat

  • CIRS

    Common Symptoms:

    Headaches, Mood swings, anxiety or depression, Difficulty finding words or processing thoughts, Chronic fatigue, Muscle weakness or pain, Shortness of breath, Loss of appetite, Excessive sweating, Light sensitivity


    Common Symptoms:

    Restricted Food Intake, Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms, Severe Anxiety, Mood Dysregulation, Behavioral Changes, Tics and Motor Abnormalities, Cognitive Decline, Sensory Sensitivities

  • Lyme disease

    Common Symptoms:

    Erythema migrans (EM) rash, Flu-like symptoms, Joint pain/swelling, Extreme fatigue, Eye inflammation, Liver inflammation, Severe fatigue


    Common Symptoms:

    Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms, Tics and Motor Abnormalities, Anxiety and Emotional Changes, Behavioral and Cognitive Symptoms, Physical Symptoms

  • Stress

    Common Symptoms:

    Physical Tension, Fatigue, Irritability, Mood Swings, Difficulty Concentrating, Sleep Disturbances, Headaches, Digestive Issues

  • Weight Loss

    Common Symptoms:

    Reduce Cravings, Weight Management, Support

  • Parasites

    Common Symptoms:

    Fever, Skin Rashes or Lesions, Nausea or Vomiting, Unexplained Weight Loss, Abdominal Cramps, Digestive Issues, Fatigue or Weakness

  • Immune System Weakness

    Common Symptoms:

    Autoimmune Disorders, High Susceptibility to Stress, Slow Wound Healing, Digestive Issues, Frequent Infections, Constant Fatigue

  • Headaches

    Common Symptoms:

    Neck Pain or Stiffness, Nausea or Vomiting, Sensitivity to Light or Sound, Tightness or Pressure Around The Head, Visual Disturbances

  • Environmental Allergies

    Common Symptoms:

    Sneezing, Runny or Stuffy Nose, Itchy Eyes, Watery Eyes, Coughing, Itching Ears and Throat, Skin Rashes, Hives, Fatigue

    Environmental allergies
  • Depression

    Common Symptoms:

    Persistent Sadness or Low Mood, Loss of Interest or Pleasure, Fatigue or low energy, Sleep Disturbances, Changes in Appetite or Weight, Difficulty Concentrating, Thoughts of Death or Suicide

  • Chronic Diseases

    Common Symptoms:

    Diabetes, Heart Disease, Chronic Kidney Disease, Arthritis, Hypertension, Alzheimer’s, Dementia

    Chronic diseases
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    Common Symptoms:

    Extreme Fatigue, Post-Exertional Malaise, Sleep Disturbances, Cognitive Difficulties, Muscle and Joint Pain, Dizziness or Lightheadedness

  • Cardiovascular Disease

    Common Symptoms:

    Chest Pain And Discomfort, Shortness of Breath, Fatigue, Irregular Heartbeat, Edema, Pain In Neck and Arms, Nausea, Sweating

    Cardiovascular Disease
  • Candidiasis

    Common Symptoms:

    Oral Thrush, Vaginal Yeast Infection, Skin Rashes, Fatigue, Digestive Issues, Genital Or Anal Itching, Recurring Urinary Tract Infection, Nail Fungal Infections

  • Adult ADHD/ADD

    Common Symptoms:

    Difficulty Staying Focused, Disorganization, Restlessness, Impulsivity, Emotional Dysregulation, Procrastination, Forgetfulness, Poor Time Management

    Adult ADHD/ADD
  • Chronic Pain

    Common Symptoms:

    Arthritis, Lower back pain, Fibromyalgia, Migraines, Neuropathy

  • Skin Conditions

    Common Symptoms:

    Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis, Dernatitis, Vitiligo, Hives, and Melasma

  • Food Intolerancesand Sensitivities

    Common Symptoms:

    Lactose intolerance, Gluten sensitivities, Histamine intolerance, Dairy allergies, Sulfite sensitivities

  • Menopause and Perimenopause Symptoms

    Common Symptoms:

    Hot flashes, Irregular periods, Mood changes, Vaginal dryness, Sleep problems, Weight resistance

  • Sexual Healthand Dysfunction

    Common Symptoms:

    Erectile Dysfunction, Decreased libido, Pain during intercourse, Premature ejaculation, Difficulty reaching orgasm

    Sad couple after quarrel in bedroom
  • Hormone and Thyroid Health

    Common Symptoms:

    Hair Loss, Fatigue, PMS, Low Libido, Anxiety, Brain Fog, Irregular Cycles, Acne, Weight Changes, Insomnia, Extreme Thirst or Hunger, Thyroid

    Woman visiting endocrinologist in clinic. Color accent effect
  • Autoimmune Diseases

    Common Symptoms:

    Fatigue, Joint Pain & Swelling, Skin Problems, Abdominal Pain, Digestive Issues, Recurring Fevers, Swollen Glands

    Overcome fear concept. Woman with vitiligo stops hiding, free space
  • Digestive Issues

    Common Symptoms:

    Bloating, Gas, Constipation, Abdominal Pain, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), Acid Reflux